(Sul Viale-卡西米尔.马列维奇-波兰)
(attributed to Andrea Boscoli Scenes from Ancient History after Polidoro da Caravaggio)
(Antoine Watteau Standing Woman Holding a Spindle and Head of a Woman in Profile to Right)
(Anonymous Drawing of an Interior Salon)
(Andrea Appiani The Muses Euterpe Polyhymnia Calliope Clio and Terpsichore)
(Alexandre Cabanel Nude Male Figure with a Sword)
法国历史博物馆馆藏画F29( 法国历史博物馆)
法国历史博物馆馆藏画F27( 法国历史博物馆)
法国历史博物馆馆藏画F23( 法国历史博物馆)
(Sul Viale-卡西米尔.马列维奇-波兰)GH